Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Happy March everyone!

It is only 12 more days until Daylight Savings, and 19 more days until Spring!

This new month got me to thinking on my commute today about this, my most hated of months. Why do I hate March you may ask? There are so many great things about March. Think March Madness, St. Patrick's Day, the start of spring. I will admit that these things are pretty great, but my reasons are better. Let me just preface this by stating that I live in Maine so my opinion might vary drastically from someone living in SoCal, and if you are reading this - suck it!

March is the LONGEST month. I know there are other months that have 31 days, but March is the only month in the school calendar that is 31 days and doesn't have any federal holidays. Forcing teachers to work 4 full weeks in the middle of one of the coldest and most miserable months of the year should be outlawed. March also seems so long because we've already been suffering through winter for what seems like our entire lives, and then we realize that we still have another 4-6 weeks left. Thanks, March.

Further reason why March sucks is the fact that there really aren't any songs written about it. There are songs about every other month of the year, so why not March? Because no one wants to write about such a miserable month, that's why!

In fact, for all of my investigating, I could only find one song where 'March' was used in the title of the song as the month and not as the verb, or the type of music. (Did you realize before now that March is the only month that is also a verb?) I still hate it.

The song is by indie rock band, Carissa's Wierd (they spelt it wrong on purpose), and is called "(March 19th 1983) It Was Probably Green". 

This song proves even further how terrible March is, because it is one of the most depressing songs I've ever heard. Presumably it is about a small child who died too early (the date in the title), and so the people left mourning her decided that her favorite color probably would have been green, had she lived long enough to pick one herself. Seriously, that's what it is about. Take a listen! Not only do the lyrics make you want to curl into a ball and call for your mommy, but the music feels like you've been beaten down and that you have no right to be happy ever again. Ever.

That's what I could find. One beautiful, yet terribly depressing song about a girl who died in March. It's certainly no December 1963 by Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons (which makes me not only wish that it was December all over again, but also that I had been alive in 1963).

My challenge to you is this - can you write a song about March that makes me not hate it so much?

Submissions need to be emailed to me by the end of the month for judging. Here's the criteria:

1. 'March' must be in the title and it can't be used as a verb or a type of song. It's got to be about the month.

2. The song must make me like the month, not make me loathe it even more.

3. It must be longer than 2 minutes.

4. It must be in MP3 format.

5. Any style of music is accepted

There will be a prize! (More details to come soon)

Please use the 'comments' section if you have any questions. Chances are, if you do - so does someone else!

Happy writing!

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