Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day Songs

I know that some of you have been expecting a Father's Day Songs edition of the blog, much like what I put together for Mother's Day. (Sorry, but Mr. T didn't write a Father's Day song). I am afraid that I will need to disappoint you even further - this won't be a list of great songs that you can share with your loving fathers today. Nothing that you can burn on a disc and send to your dad to put a tear in his eye. The reason I won't be doing that type of post is because I don't celebrate Father's Day. I don't have kids and my dad is an asshole so the sentiment is lost on me. 

Now I could go into all the boo-hoo reasons why I haven't spoken to my dad in years, but we all have our own problems and you don't really care about mine. What I will share with you are three songs that I always think about this time of year. 

Everclear - Father of Mine - When I first heard this song I was in high school and I wished like hell that I could have the courage to perform this song in front of my own father one day, or at the very least send it along to him. I never have - waste of postage. The emotions inside this song paint a clear picture of a childhood that all too many children have endured, and the damage that it can leave.

John Mayer - Daughters - On the title alone this one might throw you, but as anyone who is familiar with the song can attest - this song is directed at father's everywhere as a cautionary tale of how you can really fuck up your daughter for the male population. This song speaks to me, as a girl who was fucked up for awhile. The responsibility of molding my female-ness wasn't taken seriously by the man in question and I left many a fella with their 'heart in their hands'.

The third song is one of my own - Your Kind of Love -  I didn't set out to write a song about my father, but one night in college I couldn't sleep. I crawled out of bed and grabbed my classical guitar (the best gift he ever gave me), and started playing around with some chords. Within 15 minutes the song was written and I fell right to sleep. I had no idea at the time who it was for because to me it didn't really match anything going on in my life. It wasn't until years later when my cousin asked me if the song was about my father that I realized that it kind of was. At that time I was trying to find him and reconnect after many years of being estranged, and I was pretty conflicted about it. 

So those are my Father's Day songs. I hope that yours are more on the order of 'Butterfly Kisses' or 'Father and Daughter'. And in the hopes of not being too cynical, if you are looking for the perfect Father's Day song for your dad who isn't an ass - here's a list of the 100 Greatest Father Songs from Digital Dream Door.

1 comment:

  1. pappa dont preach--madonna
    daddy's hands--holly dunn
    growing up in pictures--not sure who sings it but it is good on for people who create kids and for whatever reason-cant keep it together to raise them...
